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We are spreading awareness among the people of source areas like Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand through regular distribution of pamphlets, conducting campaigns, playing video and audio clips in rural gatherings and forming committees at the local level; in order to save the future of the vulnerable, and we toil consistently for raising this issue before the local administration.

EMPOWER PEOPLE believes in a larger community participation for combating trafficking. We are implementing an innovative idea in source areas where we play an audio recording (interview of victim) in social gathering spots like haat, bazaar or mela. We play these interviews on mike for awareness of people and on other hand we conduct field seminars with the community where we highlight how every girl is in risk of trafficking and train them in ways to combat trafficking. The impact was evident in various moments when some traffickers were handed over to the police by local people. We have a plan for proper recording and investigation in destination areas and awareness programs in source areas with a collaborative initiative.


LINKAGES : with Duty Bearers (particularly the Police), Media Sensitisation, Sensitization programmes with Local administration including Local leaders, Sting Operations, Online and On-road Campaigns, liaising with Resident Commissioners of concerned states in Delhi, Awareness generation at source villages during Rural Haats (Mangal/Boodh Bazaars) through recorded tape messages, engaging with schools at Source villages for awareness generation and solidarity, Capacity-building/ awareness raising, Organizational development, Research & Development, Advocacy, Victim Support, CBO formation and strengthening, Participatory human and Institution development processes.

SENSITIZATION AND ENGAGEMENT : This idea is a result of the feedback from the concerned groups of the community. The local CBOs like youth clubs, grassroots NGOs, local women and network, micro enterprise groups and its network, rural volunteers, students, teachers are involved in all stages of project implementation and follow up initiatives. They are providing services in many ways for saving the women and girls. The community based organizations and people in general are also contributing for empowerment and sustainability of girls in community. Education is also a major tool to ensure sustainability and empowerment of local women. We are targeting community people in general. Through transfer of knowledge and information the capacity, skills and capability of the target people has been strengthened to combat the disease of trafficking, eliminate injustice towards women and girls, eliminate social stigma and make others aware independently.

DATA RECORD : To track and monitor the trend of trafficking we are regularly preparing database for missing or married girls in Source areas as well as in destination areas. The data-base is used to share with media and officials, Department of home of State and central government as well as available for public domain.

COMMUNITY AWARENESS : Spreading awareness among community in source areas through audio recording of victims and other specific strategies.   

WORKSHOP AND SEMINAR : Workshop with local NGOs stake holders and local officials as well as Religious or ethnic leaders to make them aware and sensitize about women rights. 

HELP-LINE : We are running a help-line for locating girls and tracking traffickers. It is only one help line specifically for Bride trafficking. We are also helping the Victims who were trafficked or their relatives or information seekers through this helpline.  Parents of girls are informing us to verify the address of people who are interested in marriage with some girl from east India. We have a plan to extend this help line.  Be a part of our help line.

CRISIS/FAMILY COUNSELING IN DESTINATION : This involves Counseling for Victims of bride trafficking or domestic violence and other types of family disputes to promote unity and understanding of violence among women and unite them on one platform. This works in close collaboration with local authorities for e.g. police and judicial magistrate and is expected to intervene in ‘crisis’ cases and in cases of violence against women.   

LEGAL HELP AND OTHER REQUIRED SUPPORT MECHANISM: Victims of different forms of violence against women are being supported and facilitated through legal counseling and other services. After rescue or filing a case the girls/women become abandoned and shelter-less. In case of a rescued trafficked girl we are ensuring their reintegration or reunion with family.   

CBO FORMATION: We are empowering victims of bride trafficking and domestic violence through Community based organizations and training them as community leaders to encourage a secure and impact oriented reunion with community for survivors. All CBOs are led and managed by survivors themselves.

LEGAL IDENTITY: Our first focus in destination areas is registration of the Paro/Molki girl through different government documents like voter list or PDS to ensure their identity and rights within the family and community or for keeping a vigil on them and boosting interaction with the local women so they cannot be sold again. 


RESCUE: When we see any girl who should be rescued we conduct a rescue operation with the police or through community arbitration. 

COMMUNES: We are also forming communes for Bride trafficking victims. These communes are formed by trafficking survivors from two or three villages together. In the commune, they usually sit together and discuss their lives or any issue they are facing. They help other local women to build a strong relationship and earn respect from local community as well.  ​


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